Incorporating Computing into Engineering Curriculum (iCEC)


In Spring 2022, I proposed a faculty development workshop to the Grainger College of Engineering, with the goal to assist faculty from engineering programs to develop computational component for their courses. The first offering of this workshop happened in Summer 2022, with the participation of 7 teams.

As part of an on-going research project, we want to evaluate the effectiveness of this faculty development training sessions to support the implementation of computational components in engineering courses. More specifically, we want to evaluate the effectiveness of the training materials, the level of satisfaction from faculty and the impact of the developed tools in student’s learning. We will collect survey data and perform focus groups to answer the following research questions?

  • What are the types of computational skills and intended learning outcomes being proposed by faculty?
  • How do faculty apply their pedagogical content knowledge to teach and support students in their acquisition of the intended computational skills and outcomes?
  • How do faculty define evidence of students’ acquisition and development of computational skills?
  • What are teaching challenges faculty (may) encounter and possible professional development supports to overcome such challenges?
  • Are there missing areas that should be explored/covered in future workshops?
  • Are students achieving their learning goals with regards to computational skills?

Contact information

Mariana Silva
2213 Siebel Center
(217) 300-6633